Add Alert Dashboard Item

To add a new alert dashboard item, click . Then, the following page will appear.

Follow these steps to fill the add form of Alert Dashboard:

  1. Alert Code: type in the alert code for the data that will be added. The code can be in number, letter, or the combination of number and letter. For example, ALERTPOSHR.
  2. Description: type in the description for the alert that will be added. For example, ALERTPOSHR with Human Resources Alert Position.
  3. Source: determine where the withdrawal of source alert data comes from. There are two options:
    • Data Source: if the user selects Data Source, there will be an additional field, Data Source Item. The options in Data Source Item selection box are configured in Setting > System Parameter > Application Configuration > Data Mart > Data Source Item menu. The withdrawal of alert data will be based on this menu.
    • Query: if the user selects "Query", there will be a an additional text field, SQL Query. The withdrawal of alert data is based on the query.
  4. Display Text: type in the display text for that alert. For instance, "Users have 8 requests which are beyond 2 weeks".
  5. Threshold: type in the threshold to be displayed on alert dashboard.
  6. Threshold Type: determine the threshold type in which will be used on alert dashboard. There are 4 options of threshold that can be selected by the user:
    • Value is Above
    • Value Increased by %
    • Value is Below
    • Value Decreased by %

    If there is an increase, it signals that there is a comparison between the previous data. The system will know the previous and current data. If there is a change, 0% will be shown.

  7. Active Status: Determine whether or not this alert is active. If the status is "Active", then select the checkbox. If not, clear the checkbox. If it is active, then the alert will appear on Alert Dashboard page.

If the data has been correctly entered, click to save changes. Click to abort saving data and return to the index page.